Musa bin Nasir: The great Umayyad governor and army chief of Africa, he was a slave according to the constitution, but after accepting Islam, his owner, Abdul Aziz bin Marwan, freed him and made him a follower.

 His education and training took place in the same environment in which Umar bin Abdul Aziz Mujadadi al-I was raised. Musa bin Nasir's family was Christian.

 And he lived in Ain al-Tamr. This city located on the border of Syria and Iran was an important commercial center. Khalid bin Waleed conquered Ain al-Tamr. Then he arrested his father Nasir and sent him to Medina. Musa bin Nasir is not only a good general but also a very good administrator.  and more than that, he was a preacher and reformer to the barbarian tribes who were accustomed to constant rebellions.

 And they were hating the Muslims due to the harshness of the governors.  By training and preparing him for any major campaign, the first stage of conquest of Andalus was completed by taking each tribe into confidence, uniting them, training them and instilling in them the spirit of jihad.  was needed.

 Who can refine their ideals, inculcate Islamic values ​​in their hearts and make them preachers of Islam. When Musa bin Nasir wore Africa, he mingled with the tribes and assured them that as Muslims, in them and in Musa.  There is no difference and he is one of them. The barbaric tribes were pleasantly surprised by this new style. Tariq bin Ziyad, the military commander of Mui, was barbarian himself.  endured

 But the death of a good and capable son proved unbearable for him in the old age and he died in poverty after being freed from prison.  They had come and killed him and Musa had to spend some time in jail and his son's head was shown in that jail.

 Not only that, but after the death of Waleed, Sulaiman bin  Abd al-Malik wanted Musa to be in practice after Walid's death and at the time of his own accession to the throne, but Musa bin Nasir appeared as soon as possible in the service of his benefactor and mentor with presents and gifts and booty.  wanted to submit, so he reached the throne very quickly against the wishes of Solomon. Musa was highly respected by Walid. To cool the fire of revenge, Solomon removed all the honors and positions of Moses after enthronement.  Deprived.

Musa took a very cautious approach on this occasion, first tested the loyalty of Vint Julien and made the first attack from him, then sent Tariq bin Ziyad with seven thousand Mujahideen and sent five thousand as reinforcements, and as soon as he died The news of the victory reached Andalus Pan himself and he will take part in the conquests.

 The society was rotten in all respects and a new revolution was required. Tariq bin Ziad in his opening speech raised the sentiments of war and conveying the message of God in support of the oppressed and the Mujahideen were ready to fight. Count Julien On receiving the invitation to attack Andalusia, the time came which the Muslims were waiting for. Dirk's cruelty had become clear.

 Asking for your love and prayers, Aamir ar Amir Noor Venus No. Dar Chor Kotli Chak No. 117 Tehsil Sangla Hai District Nikana Sahib currently residing in Germany Euro Chief Daily Writer Germany

 The comment of the senior administrator and general was only that Caliph Muslims were not doing justice, Jabra Caliph Sulaiman imposed a fine of several lakhs on him. Moi was not able to pay such a large amount as a fine. And Ihtsham, and where is a poor person who needs even two morsels? Caliph Sulaiman used to put shackles on his feet on the days of Hajj and make him beg for begging in the House of Kaaba. They gather.

 Syria used to be cut off from his fine. Unfortunately, Molly's end was also very sad. Caliph Walid bin Abdul Malik ordered Musa to return to Dashaq before his death. On his way back, he killed a young man who had worshiped Allah at night, so Caliph Sulaiman ascended the throne very quickly against the wishes of Sulaiman. Suleiman's accession to the throne is published from Lahore, Pakistan